RMarr Studios: The Chocolate Factory, 54 Elizabeth Street – Studio 31, Red Hook 12571 |

973-650-6359 | Stairs into studio

ovo.gallery / rmarr912@gmail.com

Richard Marr has been a participating artist for many years with ASV. He is taking this year off to create new artwork. Richard’s studio is open to visit by appointment. We are grateful for his continue support.

I received an MFA from University of Chicago in 1983, went to Asia for most of the 1980’s, worked and raised a family during the 1990’s and 2000’s, and was finally able to refocus part of my time after 2010 on making art. Freed from the art world ideology of art with a capital A, I humbled myself to drawing and painting views from my sailboat. I tried to compose images that conveyed the feeling of being knocked about on deck as the boat heeled in the wind. The more I did this, the more interested I became in the water itself and the waves that were causing the tumult. I dispensed with the boat and fell overboard, drawing and painting waves crashing on shore or into each other. I spent much of this time on the east end of Long Island near where I grew up and where Caro, my wife, was living when we met. In 2018 we moved to Rhinebeck and my artistic attention diverted to the Hudson River. Increasingly I am under its spell, learning about its long geological history and powerful impact on early and contemporary America. I take photos while kayaking, sailing or standing on its eastern shore, and reinterpret them in charcoal and oil paint.


“The Other Shore II”, charcoal on paper