Ted Braggins

Pondside Press Graphics Workshop & Gallery | 4 Bollenbecker Road, Rhinebeck 12572 | 845-453-8562 | Handicap accessible

To enter Ted Braggins’ world is to experience the work of an artist who radiates calm, is sensitive to nature and appreciates the physical contours nature and people together have wrought.

On the other hand, this usual calm has been upended during this very disturbed period for our nation: failed by its government to adequately protect its citizens from the pandemic while creating confusion, chaos and cruelty that drives feelings of frustration, sadness and despair. Hope is his solace with the knowledge that the landscape can provide refuge through reflection.

Braggins has approached both of these responses with his considerable skill in printmaking. From monotypes to mixed print media, he creates one of a kind images, often hand colored.

“The artworks are produced on paper in a variety of media. Many works are monotypes or combined with additional print media. I find that working in printmaking provides me with a level of control that allows me to use strong color, texture, layering and transparency to produce works that are flat while having depth and richness. Often I will work with ghost impressions to develop totally different visual solutions than one might experience with a first hand printed piece. Other works are scratched images in photo emulsion that create an immediacy and direct response to the tree images. I have also been photographing landscapes and incorporating the images into digital media with drawing or painting using computer graphics software. The pieces then have additional hand-work done to them in the form of scratching, painting, drawing or collage.

All of my work is done by own self, and hand printed at the Pondside Press Graphics Workshop in Rhinebeck, NY, where I have had a studio since 1985.”